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Last seen 1 year ago
Kama Sutra Guru
4534 days on xHamster
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Human, heterosexual
BA/BS (4 years college)
No, and do not want any
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Hey youuu!!! What's up? Thank you for the friend request, your profile's really nice so i accepted it! Hope you'll comment, enjoy, be pleased with mine as well!! Talk to you soon!
now thats an avatar,,
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I'm a bit of an evil genius, not for this though

Thanks for answering the questions so honestly. I wanted to see the cheating questions and compare them if people went to college or not. I think college is generally a time to explore and well we always don't make the best choices but choices you should make since it is college.

I think in the start of a relationship no one is going to be 100% honesty unless both are virgins or something to that effect.

It's not that I think people are trying to hide something but I think there are questions that no one wants to answer.

A lot of times at least with women sometimes we tell "lies" but they are more or less meant to protect and not offend someone.
Thanks! It is interesting how many xhamster friends cross paths with like minded people!
Plenty of reasons why she didn't do so. by your profile age I'm sure she is close in age to you. The whole "get up" meaning booster, garters, undies, and stockings can easily be 150-200, you can find cheap stuff on websites but it falls apart. It may be a finical thing.

It can be a pain getting into it, but 50 years ago women would get up in the morning and put that whole thing on before going downstairs. Since it has become more of a bedroom thing, we try to look our best, so when we dress for sex we do want to look out best. With that notion I could see how for some women that could be scary, kind of saying this is as good as it gets.

Going back to the price thing, a lot of women don't like to invest in pricey lingera, I noticed and my friends have noticed that guys like to make a "mess" on it. Another common theme is that some women feel like what is the point if he is going to rip it off of me, where most get ups now are designed to be worn during the act.

If you want her to dress for sex, I would suggest going to V'S and buying a gift card.
very hot dick
Sweet welcome kisses from Nadja
Hey there sexy friend Great pics and vid what a yummy cock
Thanks for comments
sweet kisses to you
Thanks for the invite, hope u enjoy my profile!:smile:
wow -amazing vid!
awesome pro
LoL, your silly... but, I've never been the kind of girl to deny a man this piece of wood... You wanna suck it then... Cum & Get it like you heard the dinner bell ring!... LoL
thanks for being my friend :smile:
sorry but the bunting blew away. high winds where i'm at you see. fancy a cock-sized arm wrestle? no. me neither. fancy an arm-sized cock wrestle? er . . . yes . . . but it sounds so wrong. you could play skip rope with all the people in the neighbourhood with a cock that big.

and yes the gutter is everywhere. its only when the gutter is in denial and claims to solely live underground . . . thats the bit i don't trust.

P.s. here is my Oprah interview : " dear Oprah. don't feel disappointed. i chose to be a witch in xhamsterland for different reasons than to wish to be a porn star. i came here to deny the bits of me that feel beaten and feed the strong ape that i keep in my belly minus any sense of gloating or power over others. i simply had to feed my own gorilla with good stuff to grow stronger. so many people get their strength by abusing others, but i get no pleasure from the idea of humiliation. if i issue demands they are simply knowledge of how i wish to play my games, and a lack of shame in telling people about the games i wish to play. So much internet porn is hilarious and sickening because it shows how willing people are to emulate the notion of hardcore, when really its about depriving themselves of their weaknesses, instead of becoming supernatural or more than human (my idea of hardcore) they pretend they are animals, they pretend they are less than human. Well thats why i chose the piglet vernacular: it allows them their "i'm a pig! I'm a no good stinking animal", but it also offers them a cup of hot chocolate in as much as piglet was a cute character in winnie the pooh, and we all know a piglet is a baby piggy, not the grown up pig that fucks, the little pig who just wants to be warm and fed and ok. i'm getting sick of watching young girls fuck each other to please some hairy piglet when you can see them almost wretching at the sight of each others pussies, and this new hazing thing, girls humiliating girls . . . its all just abuse because everyone is so jealous of each others attributes or fearful that they can't compete. well i am fighting my own jealousies. i hate those feelings as they are most unwitchy, so when they arrive in my skull i flick them to the moon . . . gorilla stylee. boom! There is nothing special about my body. i lost loads of weight years ago and it left me with stretch marks, all that shit. weirdly i feel like my body is special. thats all i got and it feels nice and witchy. Well, thanks for your time Oprah, and for making Tom Cruise listen politely before he started jumping up and down on your sofa again. Goodnight." haha.

take care.
and cum a lot
serious bunting that hums and wants you to read poetry haha
Piggy or piggies, not pig. It really is friendlier and imbued with a fondness, i know this for sure because its me saying it. Yes i'm asking you to forget about other folk's/piggies' use of the word, i exercise my right to Witchovision TM. I came here to be sentient and talk with people, not deride people or pamper strange mens desires to be humiliated. if they want domination then how about i impose my fantasy on them, as opposed to act out the dom traits (scripted and mind numbingly dull) they expect and fetishise. My fantasy is i am a witch in a silly place that despite its silliness is actually ok, almost good even. I am trying my best to be some kind of Shackleton exploring my own libido. I decided i'd do it with supernatural bells on. i always like the way decoration/adornment heightens things, makes us pay our attention, makes us smile because its pleasing and colourful to the eye. i guess essentially i'm here to make bunting that wraps around as many cocks and cunts as i wish to wrap it around. amen. gonna make u some bunting for your cock u lucky dawg. boom!
Best wishes from Ukraine ! Have a nice stay ! Have fun ! Thanks for comments !
may day's ok. i tend not to skip up the hill with the wiccan's to dance round the pole though, don't get me wrong they're nice enough sorts, just a bit too literal . . . er . . . actually there's nothing wrong with a bit of ritual to lift us out of the mundane and i guess all that fertility is worth a fuss . . . so yeh, i'll make a bit of effort, i'll light a few lamps . . . maybe even flick the moon the bird, something loving and over familiar and for the fun of it . . . what about you?
Hi Sexy. Thanks for posting the HOT videos and pics! I hope you get some fine black booty and pussy for Easter.
Thanks for compliments of my photos!
an they're breaking benjamin lyrics :open_mouth: thanks!
Thanks for the comment on my MILF Dogger
Thank u!! Im liking the compliments!! Muahx!!
You're welcome dear, next time, keep in touch! lol
thanks for the wonderful comments. Chou for now, Amanda.