Where To Buy Sexy Lingerie ?

When ever I need to buy sexy lingeire for my wife I go to this little funny website called where to buy sexy lingerie: http:/wheretobuysexylingerie.com quality stuff, even for plus size. pretty affordable too..… Read more

Posted by tellmeaboutit 8 years ago

Man Pussies

Man Pussies piss me off...not a lot of things piss me off, but they are one of those thing. There are a lot of different ways to be a man pussy...like not accepting resposibilitoy for your actions, guys who treat women like shit while they cant wipe their own asses...but the worst kind of Man Pussies are those who create profiles on sites like this with their exes names. Put their photos up...request for cumshots on their pics..do everything they can to spread their ex photos over the Internet. So, Man pussy, if you read this...why are you doing it? your feelings are hurt because sh… Read more

Posted by tellmeaboutit 10 years ago 1