Chapter 2 - The Blind Bandit

Aang, Sokka and Katara all stood in the market place helping Sokka decide whether or not to buy a new green and gold earth nation carry bag. The group had made their way to an Earth Nation town on a beautiful day where they had found an open market. As Sokka contemplated out loud whether or not to buy said carry bag, Aang was deep in thought, wondering how and where he could find an earthbending master to teach him earthbending. After Sokka had finally bought the carry bag, the group made their way into the main street where a scruffy looking man with a beard approached them concerning earthbe… Read more

Posted by Aryan92 11 years ago

Chapter 1 - Return To Omashu

Aang, Katara, Sokka, Appa and Momo had just exited the caves of Two Lovers and were devastated to look upon the conquered Earth Kingdom Omashu. “Oh No!” whispered Katara, as both Aang and Sokka looked on in horror. Upon deliberating on the matter of actually entering Omashu, Aang decided it was best to enter the city secretly through the sewers to find out the fate of his oldest friend King Bumi. “This is not about finding an Earthbending Master, it’s about finding a friend”, declared Aang with conviction. Aang, Katara, Sokka and Momo made their way through the sewer system of Omashu.… Read more

Posted by Aryan92 11 years ago

A Lion in Wolves Clothing

Winter is coming. For generations the Stark’s family motto had stood as a constant reminder to the rest of the kingdom that somewhere beyond the edge of those warm long summers waited the bitter sting of winter. Fitting then that they kept themselves in Winterfell the coldest place this side of the wall. As the keep's farmers and smiths kept up their work, seemingly oblivious to the cold, a cloaked figure moved unnoticed by the townspeople and moved discretely but shivering through the marketplace. The figure, unlike those surrounding it was not used to the cold, since it had undertaken… Read more

Posted by Aryan92 11 years ago