Massage part 2

And started to help her to take of the bra, when done, he put some oil on her back excusing for the cold that she felt when he put it on. All she could think was why did i just feel my pussy get wet? When he put his hands on my back. He started the massage and she layed there and starting to moan out of the pleasure, of the massage and the feeling she was getting in her allready moist pussy. Suddenly the assistants phone ranged. Epsiod two After a brief conversation she heard the assistend gasp and say to the massues. - I have to leave and pick up my mom from the hospital. The m… Read more

Posted by debracy 9 years ago

The massage..

The woman was so happy she finnaly found a well talked about massues her jealous husband let her go to. The massues had good creds even amongst her friends, they told her that he had a young female assistent that always was in the room to make the females feel comfurtable. It was that fact that made her husband let her go, she couldnĀ“t care less about it all she wanted was a nice massage. She admittied to her self that it would be nice with another mans hands against her body, but didnĀ“t to mmuch sexual in to it. The day came for the apointment, she knocked on the door to the massage stud… Read more

Posted by debracy 10 years ago