porn site members

I just wanted to tell everyone here that almost all the folks I have had any interaction with on this site are terrific. Must be all the open minds. So thanks to all my current and future friends, you're great.… Read more

Posted by davidrgrs 9 years ago 5

my first cock

I thought it was time to tell the story of my first time with a guy, it is the story I told my stepson Brian about before our first fuck. Only difference is, I told him that I was 16 and I actually had just turned 13. Anyways I grew up in a small town in B.C. Canada and my best friend was a year older than me and lived next door. That summer we wanted to go fishing at a small lake, about 7 miles out of town through a lot of bush, but with a trail good enough for 2 young guys. Most people in town didn't even know the lake or pond, more truthfully was even there. Anyways we bullshitted our… Read more

Posted by davidrgrs 9 years ago 15